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About The Project


Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad

Faculty of Law and Business Studies Dr. Lazar Vrkatić, Novi Sad.

The main goal of the IDIOMATIC project is to investigate the role of basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) and culture in the relationship between identity content and adolescent mental health.

This project aims to introduce and validate a new theoretical model on the relationship between identity content and adolescent mental health, which integrates the tetrapartite model of the self, the basic psychological needs theory, and the person-culture fit hypothesis.

The project includes two studies.

Study 1 is a one-year longitudinal study with three time points, conducted on a large sample of Serbian adolescents. This study will explore the mediating and moderating roles of basic psychological needs in the relationship between identity orientations and dolescent mental health.

Study 2 is a cross-cultural study, involving adolescents from at least eleven countries asross five continents. This study will test the person-culture fit hypothesis, and evaluate the role of basic psychological needs in the relationship between identity orientations and adolescent mental health across cultures.

The main aims of the project are:

Development and cross-cultural validiton of a theoretical model

Development of resources for practitioners, researchers, and the public

Project Timeline

April 2023
Project month 1

Project start

September 2023
Project month 6

Study protocol preprint

October 2023
Project month 7

Time 1 dataset stored

March 2024
Project month 12

The establishment of a cross-cultural network of researchers

April 2024
Project month 13

Time 2 dataset stored. Cross-cultural dataset stored

October 2024
Project month 19

Time 3 dataset stored

January 2025
Project month 22

Evidence-based guidelines for creating prevention and promotion programs. Brochure for mental health professionals and the public

February 2025
Project month 23

Monograph prepared

March 2025
Project month 24

The creation of an open-access international database of findings obtained from a cross-cultural study. Project the end